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The Cartoon Guide to Biology


已售出: 2


這是用漫畫來詮釋科學新知的系列,被數十所大學用作參考書,其中就包括:哥倫比亞大學、康奈爾大學、哈佛大學、約翰霍普金斯大學、倫敦經濟學院、麻省理工學院、紐約大學、斯坦福大學、華盛頓大學、耶魯大學等。 這書出自美國科學家、漫畫家拉裡戈尼克所創作的科學漫畫系列。書中將學科知識與漫畫無縫對接,以詼諧的口吻來詮釋科學新知。被數十所大學用作參考書,深受讀者喜愛。 From New York Times bestselling author Larry Gonick and Davidson College biology professor David Wessner comes this comprehensive and humorous cartoon guide to topics in biology Did you faint when your middle school science teacher asked you to dissect a frog? Do you think DNA stands for “Don’t Know the Answer”? Do you still cling to the belief that osmosis was the name of Ozzy Osbourne’s last tour? If you said yes to any of these questions—or even if you didn’t—then you need The Cartoon Guide to Biology. The latest from New York Times bestselling author Larry Gonick—writing with Davidson College biology professor David Wessner—is a hilarious and informative handbook to the science of life. From the inner workings of the cell, to the magic of gene expression, to the Krebs and Calvin cycles, to sexual and asexual reproduction, The Cartoon Guide to Biology uses simple, clear, humorous illustrations to make biology’s most complex concepts understandable and entertaining. Whether you’re peering into the microscope for the first time or brushing up after decades of de-evolution, this book has you covered.
