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A to Z Mystereis Series 26 Books Set The Complete Collection Dink Josh Ruth Rose 神秘案件全套 B134


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美國暢銷的兒童偵探小說《A to Z Mysteries》 書名依照字母A~Z順序排列,一共有26書 每一本書籍都圍繞著主人翁DINK, JOSH 和 RUTHROSE 因為設定是兒童閱讀,劇情並不會有血腥暴力喔! 即使有人失蹤或疑似謀殺,最後也只是故布疑陣而已 並不會讓小朋友感到太過恐怖,又可以感受到緊張懸疑的情節。 適合3-5年級閱讀,書中的文字淺顯、情節緊湊, 相當適合初級的閱讀者喔! 還有有聲CD可以搭配,邊讀邊聽,更適合孩子學習英文喔! Includes all 26 books in the series from A to Z: #01: The Absent Author #02: The Bald Bandit #03: The Canary Caper #04: The Deadly Dungeon #05: The Empty Envelope #06: The Falcon’s Feathers #07: The Goose’s Gold #08: The Haunted Hotel #09: The Invisible Island #10: The Jaguar’s Jewel #11: The Kidnapped King #12: The Lucky Lottery #13: The Missing Mummy #14: The Ninth Nugget #15: The Orange Outlaw #16: The Panda Puzzle #17: The Quicksand Question #18: The Runaway Racehorse #19: The School Skeleton #20: The Talking T. Rex #21: The Unwilling Umpire #22: The Vampire’s Vacation #23: The White Wolf #24: The X’ed-Out X-Ray #25: The Yellow Yacht #26: The Zombie Zone
